SNK11 - Minimal Module Adapter
The SKN11 Minimal Module Adapter is intended for use with SK-Series modular instruments. These modules can be operated stand-alone or within a platform where several modules can be assembled to configure a specific control or measurement system. Indeed, SPK-Series platforms accommodate up to eight instruments and provide power, clock synchronization, communications, and module status.
In order to operate a single instrument stand-alone, Signals and Systems for Physics provides the user with the SKN11 Minimal Stand-Alone Module Adapter. It is very convenient for wiring all required power supplies, module’s I/O or communications interfaces. Fast and reliable wiring is provided through 96 solder pads that can be used to access all lines of the DIN41612 connector. Required power supplies and UART RX- and TX-lines can be thus easily wired during prototyping. This adapter can be also used for assembling SK-Series module as sub-system.
- Mating all SK-Series modules
- DIN41612-R96 connector breakout board
- Connections through 96 solder pads
- Fast wiring of power supplies, communications lines..